TangibleTec NFC Enhanced Keychain Tips and Tricks

You can reprogram the NFC tag to do whatever you want.
All you need is the NFC TagWriter from the Google play store.

Once installed, follow the instruction bellow to unlock the tag.

The NFC TagWriter by NXP stores contacts, bookmarks, geo location, Bluetooth...

NFC Introduction

Before the tutorial, check out NXP's introduction to their App and for examples of how NFC tags are used.

Want to learn more?
NFC unlock 1 NFC unlock 2 NFC unlock 3 NFC unlock 4 NFC unlock 5 NFC unlock 6

Unlocking your NFC tag

After launching the TagWriter App.

  1. Tap on "Protect Tags"
  2. Tap on "Password Protection"
  3. Fill in the following:
    1. Check "Current Password"
    2. Select "Remove Password" from the drop-down menu
    3. Type "TEC4" as the current password
    4. Tap "Done"
  4. Now hold your NFC tag near the the NFC antennae on your phone.
  5. Once the tag has been detected, you will need to confirm your intent to remove the password by tapping "Tap to Confirm Password Protect"
  6. If the procedure was successful, you will see a confirmation page stating that "Content has been password protected". (You would think it would say password has been removed, but it doesn't)

That's it! Now you can use the "Write Tag" option to program this tag to do whatever you want.